It is at about 3pm everyday that our blood sugar levels plummets, motivation stoops and it is hard to give anything the attention it needs or deserves.
Here are a few simple Fusion Wellness tricks, which can be done at work that can elevate your mood, attention and boost your energy!
1) Get Out of Your Chair
Move and enhance the blood pumping around your body! Walk to the kitchen, toilet, go up and down some stairs. Use your environment; but take a break from staring at your computer and sitting down.
2) Have a Green Tea
Green Tea delivers greater energy expenditure and usually contains around 20 grams of caffeine aiding mental processes. The bonuses with drinking green tea are it assists with weight loss and provides a high level of antioxidants helping you fight free radicals and flush out toxins.
3) Breathe Deeply
Take 10 slow deep breathes into your lungs and feel them expand laterally. Fill up your lower, middle and upper lungs using your full lung capacity. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Then do 40 quick breathes in and out through your mouth to help elevate your energy.
4) Do an Inversion!
You may not have a comfortable environment where you can simply go and do a downward dog or upvista konasana (legs up the wall) for 5 minutes which are fantastic yoga asanas to boost your energy, but you can do a roll down into uttanasana anywhere without others staring at you wondering what on earth you are doing!
It can look as if you are simply getting something from off the ground or doing up your shoe. Stand tall and drop your chin to your chest and slowly roll down bending forward as far as you can go vertebrae by vertebrae with your knees slightly bent. When you get down as far as you feel is comfortable for you, take 2 deep breathes and slowly roll up rebuilding your spine. This not only stretches your entire spine but also rejuvenates your energy levels and gets the blood flushes through the body improving blood circulation and digestion.
5) Music – Even if it is One Song!
Music heals everything! Pump up the tune and sing, dance and feel the energy change. We dance around the house often and our with our 2 years old son. Our favourite songs at the moment are: Get Lucky, Daft Punk and Shooting Stars, Bag Raiders (Inspired by Salty Rain – click here to watch this video it will definitely elevate your mood and put a smile of your face!!)